Special Events & Occasions

Green Ribbon 2019 “Untangle Your Thoughts”

Yesterday Suaimhneas Clubhouse held their Green Ribbon event “Untangle Your Thoughts”.  The event took place in St. Anne’s Park in Raheny and was attended by other EVE centres and members of the community.  The event was launched by Suaimhneas members Catherine and Liam and Sean Haughey TD, a board member of Suaimhneas.  Sean spoke about mental health awareness with Catherine speaking about what Suaimhneas has to offer. Liam explained what the purpose of the day was and invited people to untangle their thoughts!

We would like to thank all the people who made this event possible, especially the members and staff of Suaimhneas Clubhouse, Our esteemed guests Sean Haughey TD, See Change ambassador Shauna O’ Connor and everyone who came along and took part despite the weather!

 Check out the pictures below of this wonderful event.

Special Events & Occasions

We’re in the paper!!!

Our ‘Kick The Stigma’ for Green Ribbon event last week made it into the Northside people and we are delighted!

Take a look….



Special Events & Occasions

‘Leaf Stigma Behind’ Positivity Tree Launch

To kick off mental health awareness month, we launched our ‘Leaf Stigma Behind’ positivity tree in the main hall of the Darndale Belcamp Village Centre.

Catherine and Robert spoke to the crowd about the meaning behind our tree, the See Change campaign and what Suaimhneas Clubhouse is and what we have to offer. The audience were then given out paper leaves and asked to write a message of positivity or an affirmation on them, they were then displayed on the tree.

Click the link below to view Catherine and Roberts Talk 


We would like to thank everyone who came along and were a part of the morning. We would especially like to thank EVE Estuary centre for loaning us the tree structure which we decorated. The tree stand proud in the reception area for the Month of May to remind us all to look after our mental health and know that it’s ok not to be ok!

A tree represents STRENGTH,

Trees which endure the stormiest times grow the strongest and most beautiful,

Like the branches of a tree our lives will grow in different directions,

           Leafs are like people all individual and unique,

So like a tree stand tall and be proud of who you are!

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The Month of May is mental health awareness month and Suaimhneas have lots of events planned over the course of the month to help raise mental health awareness within our community including our ‘Stomp Out Stigma’ walk in Darndale park on May 10th, Our ‘Time To Talk’ breakfast morning with See Change ambassador Miriam Dowling on May 17th and finally our ‘Kick The Stigma’ penalty shoot-out on May 18th.

It is estimated that 1 in 4 people will experience a mental health difficulty, meaning we may all be affected in some way. The stigma and discrimination associated with a significant mental health problem is, for some people, almost as difficult to manage as the experience of being unwell.

See Change is an Irish organisation dedicated to ending mental health stigma. Their work is informed by people with lived experiences of mental health difficulties, who are best placed to give insight into mental health stigma. Every year See Change run a month long national green ribbon campaign to encourage people in Ireland to end mental health stigma. There are green ribbons available at reception so please feel free to take as many as you like!

You don’t need to be an expert to start talking about mental health or have all the answers. Sometimes the most helpful thing you can do is to let someone know you are there for them and simply listen.
